Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015



Hallo , my name is Yudhistira Citrokusumo Budiono , lot of people called me yudhis.
I was born at Jakarta , Oktober 6th 2000. My father named Budiono Sandi and my mother named Tintin Sumartini. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister , my older brother named Panser , he’s 19 years old , my younger brother named rayhan , he’s getting 6 this december , and my older sister named karina , she’s 21 years old. We lived in Permata bumiraya street AC.44.

          I love playing basketball , if you ask me what my favorite sport is? My favorite subject is math , i like numbers rather than a words , and counting rather than reading. I play games too , i play online , offline , many kind of games i have played. I like fried chicken , yesterday fried chicken , today fried chicken , tomorrow fried chicken , its like everyday i eat fried chicken and never get bored.

Did you know that i recently graduate from SMPN 2 Bandung , and now im so happy because now i am a high school student. I got in to SMAN 3 Bandung. Today is my first day study in SMAN 3 Bandung , hope i can survive 3 years study in SMAN 3 Bandung. On Junior high school i study less , but hope i study more now.